Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Bit of Randomness!
Well I have about 50 million random things on my mind that i could write about, so I am just going to type what comes to my fingers first ( that made no since, sorry) SO here it goes........
1. I am watching Rachel Ray right now while Madison is taking her morning nap. I love Rachel Ray and I always tell my husband that I must meet her before I die! I used to say the same thing about going to see the Oprah show but sadly that will never happen since she is ending her show, and yes I CRIED when she made the announcement! my husband thought that I was crazy, but whats new!!
2. As you can tell from # 1 I need to get better about my grammar and punctuation, Sorry!
3. I had the most AMAZING dinner Experience Saturday for my birthday, my mom gave me a gift card to the Melting Pot so Eric and I went ALONE, whoo hoo, first date night since our wedding anniversary on May 10th!! We had never ate there before and it was so neat, here is a link to their site so check it out http://www.meltingpot.com/ , it is a fondue restaurant and it is truly an experience. It took us two and a half hours to eat which was great because with Madi when we do eat out we are always in and out in a hurry,I mean come on what 15 month old wants to sit quiet and still in a restaurant for more than 30 min, not my little lady! It was such a great night!!!! I love my husband!!!
4. Can you believe it is almost Christmas I have so much to do, we have my moms side of the family's big Christmas get together this Sunday and we still have to make presents for everyone!! AHHHHHH!!! just playing ,"everything will be perfect" (that is my manta for the next couple weeks)
5. I made the best pasta dish last night with chicken and cheese and tomatoes and lots of other yummy ingredients, by the ultra fab Giada de Laurentis the name of it is "Italian baked chicken and pastina" it is on the food network website !!! I ate 2 large servings and so now I am just going to have to skip lunch today, or maybe i could have some leftovers, Hmmmm? what should a girl who needs to loose 30 lbs. do??
6.Madison is learning so much these days, she is literally learning something new everyday! About a week ago she started saying "how ya doin" is is so cute and she says it to everyone we pass. Then today she started walking everywhere backwards!!! I love her so much!!!! She is at such a fun age now. (I think that I have said that every month)
7. Everyone should go and take a peek at some of the amazing black and white photos at pioneer Woman's blog, there is a black and white photo contest and the entries are amazing, I entered 2 pictures but I basically have no chance. here is the link the group is on flickr www.pioneerwoman.com/photography below are my 2 entries. Isn't that little man adorable, here's the story, I was taking pictures of my mom and Madi at a shopping center and this little one asked me to take his picture I wish that I had some way to gives these to his parents because he is a little stud!!! The one of Madi was taken outside of our apt. with her build -a-bear that Eric and I made her when I was pregnant on our honeymoon! Yes, you just read that right, more on the whole story later. By the way if anyone has any editing tips let me know I NEED HE
More Talk Later,
In case you were wondering, I finished this post after lunch and yes I had leftover pasta BUT only a small portion and a nice spinach salad with it! I'm going jogging tonight!

Pioneer Woman,
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