Monday, August 9, 2010

Miscellany Monday!

Another week has come and gone and once again it is time to link up with Carissa at lowercase letters

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

{one}I have been getting a lot of the below attitude from my 23 month old lately. Now I knew I would be dealing with it and about 12 more years but not now. I mean could she roll those eyes at me any more, I don't think so. We were playing dress up if you can't tell.

{two} We had such a nice family weekend! We stuck around the house most of the day Saturday except for going to the park to let Madison run out some of her never ending energy.

{three} So yeah, I'm not that misc. this week, It's all about my weekend spending time with my little family. On Sunday, we went to the NC museum of natural sciences downtown Madison loves it and it is free. They have a butterfly house that you can go in, with hundreds of butterflies flying all around and a sloth (that is always sleeping).

{four} Worm update: After a major home upgrade, a child constantly wanting to  shake them in their new home and kiss the "cutey" ear worms, they have been released to the wild. (Thank God)

That's all for today, since miss priss is refusing a nap. Talk to you lovely ladies tomorrow.


  1. Love the pictures! My newly-turned-2 Halle has much of the same attitude. (I'm sure she doesn't get it from me!) and has just this week started throwing crazy tantrums at nap time.... oh, the joys of toddler-hood! Love the butterfly pics, too! Happy Monday!

  2. Awwee! She's adorable! I know the rolling eyes...all mine did that...still do.
    I love all the pics. Thanks for sharing your randomness.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for visiting my blog today! And believe me, I know about girl attitude (I have a spunky 4 year old!)
