Discovered another great blog, go visit Leigh and link of to a wee bit of me Wednesdays!

{one} what website do you spend the most time on?
blogger and etsy! I could spend an eternity looking at all things fabulous on Etsy!
{two} what's the furthest you've ever travelled?
Las Vegas, about five years ago. My uncle, aunt, and cousin had relocated their {he worked on Nellis Air Force Base} I spent a fabulous week their, but came home with serious sun poisoning on my chest, NOT FUN!
{three} what's your guilty pleasure TV show?
All of the Real Housewives shows on Bravo..........I even have my husband watching them {and enjoying it} Shhhhhh don't tell!
{four} if you had to give up one favorite food, what would be the hardest?
Feta Cheese, Love it!
{five} if you could become any fictional character, who would you be?
Hmmmm, this is a toughie.... Princess Tiana {Princess and the Frog} at the end of the movie, owning a fab restaurant, and in love! Lame I know.
{six} what's your favorite season of the year?
It used to be summer, but now I love the beauty of the the changing of colors in the fall. When I think about fall, the first things that come to my mind are coffee, pumpkin pie, and just a sense of peace.
{seven} what's your biggest phobia?
Drowning, I use to have the same dream that I was drowning in the middle of the ocean and that fear has just stuck with me.
{eight} would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?
Pool for sure!
{nine} what did you eat for breakfast today?
Cup of coffee with skinny latte creamer {alot} and a Cinnamon raisin English muffin with that new buttery spread from Bob Green called best life. YUM!
{ten} if you could only listen to one song for the next month, which song would it be?
Ingrid Michaelson, everybody. I love anything she sings, her music is fabulous, simple, clean, relaxing, I will stop but I could go on and on!
mmm coffee and pumpkin pie sound delish right about now!
ReplyDeleteLas Vegas is one of my fave places to travel to! We go every year! We already went this year, and I cant wait to go back!
ReplyDeleteI dont know how to swim, so drowning is also one of my biggest fears!
i'm the same way on #1 and 7! i'm so anxious for the cooler weather that fall brings (hopefully)!
ReplyDeleteFeta cheese is the biggest staple in my diet!! I love it!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I found you on 20 SB