Wednesday, September 1, 2010

lovely photo Wednesday + Frustration

Link up with the most amazing God loving young lady you will ever find. Hannah's blog aspire is great, check it out please!

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire
The girl loves a twirly slide and her mama loves that smile! 

On to the frustration part, I cannot figure out how to get my new beautiful watermark on my pictures in photoshop CS5. Well actually all of CS5 is frustrating me, I have never had such a hard time getting anything accomplished in my life, I guess I should stick with picassa and picnik!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Miscellany Monday- Photography Edition

Link up and share your randomness with everyone!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

{one} I just finished up the most amazing wedding photography workshop yesterday. CreativeLive hosted a 5 day workshop with the uber fabulous Jasmine*  and to top it off it was FREE. Check out her website, I have never seen a more beautiful site, I spent way to much time looking at it! Jasmine * was completely transparent about every aspect of her business from branding your company to what settings and lenses to use!
You can purchase the video from all 5 days for $150 and believe me it is more than worth it. She has inspired me so much I cannot wait to put everything that I have learned to work!
{I need to say a special thank you to my husband for dealing with me being glued to the computer for the past five days, thanks hun!}
{Two} Here is a sneak of a post I hope to get done later today. I shot these sweet siblings a couple of weeks ago in downtown Rocky Mount.
I love the symmetry of the one below.

This is in front of an old warehouse I had been dying to shoot in front of forever.

{three} Notice my new logo? After searching and searching for one I found this one on Etsy designed by Natasha. I will premiere {ha} the watermark in the next post.
{four} so part of the workshop was to pick 3 words that describe your photography/business. After changing them a million times I have decided on vibrant, fun, & fresh.
{five} The past  two months I have been studying every aspect of photography and really trying to just take it all in and practice, practice, and practice some more. I felt like things were happening fast and I needed to take a step back and really find myself in my photography. Yes, I know it sounds super cheesy!  Their will be alot of new photos and a few surprises in the future and I could not be more excited.

That's all the randomness I have for today, well I guess it wasn't too random it was all about the same thing, oh well!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Heart Faces- Got to wear shades

I will be back tomorrow with another post, but I decided to enter this picture a picture for this weeks challenge at
This is my husband and baby big girl at a local news studio in front of a water fountain, so there is a bit of mist showing in the picture. We had such a great day that day and seeing this picture takes me back to that very moment!
Is this the winning photo, no probably not, BUT, does is make me smile when I see it, yes for sure!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Budget friendly, Yummy recipes!

Last week after having my husband very..... hmm.... whats the word.....carefully, yeah I'll stick with that, tell me that he was tired of eating the same things for dinner I went on a hunt for some new recipes.
He most likely said this because for the past four months I have been cooking the same five recipes and having a lot of "whatever" nights.
So where do I go when I need to solve my marital woes, whatever they may be, the internet of course!
After looking through countless recipes that required fancy oils  and/or fifty million different ingredients that I do not have, I believe I hit the jackpot with this collection of budget friendly, yummy, and simple to make dinners.
When I saw a gallery of recipes titled "15 dinners under $1.50" {a serving} I let out a little squeal.
Check out some of the other recipes under different galleries or just other cool stuff on this website
 I did not say these are low calorie recipes, BUT you can cut down on the bad stuff significantly by using low fat or fat free options for a lot of stuff. I also added more fresh veggies to recipes like the Almost Lasagna {that has been my fave so far} I also used whole wheat pasta in that.
Of course being the great bad blogger that I am {ha} I forgot to provide you with a Pioneer Woman style, step-by-step, perfected, photo recipe tutorial.{Whoa, that was a mouthful} Sorry ladies, I am sure you are very upset with me.
Any ways so far I have made the, almost lasagna, salmon cakes, Asian lettuce wraps, the creamy chicken and rotini primavera, and the cheeseburger pie. {which was surprisingly good}
Now ladies will you do me a favor before you go?
 Huh, huh will ya???
Tell me what your favorite recipe on a budget is?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ten on Ten {on the 11th}

Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!
Mark your calenders so you can link up next month at
I have seen Mel at the Larson Lingo do this before and then a few days ago I just happened to stumble upon the website. Let me just say I have looked at a few other posts linked up and they are amazing!
Here's my ten on ten.......
Bag to donate to Goodwill, finally cleaned and organized my closet.
{notice Madi stealing the flowers}
The everyday.
She loves drinking from a big girl cup
please excuse this monstrosity of a picture. NO natural light and shaky hands equals seven horrible photos of my sewing machine and a dress I am making for Madison.
Walking to lunch to meet my mom at a local bar and grill.
cool fixtures at every table at the restaurant
checking the mail, her favorite time of the day.

cleaning potties, notice the hideous 80's tile floor. I can't wait to own a house!
Madison noticed this on our afternoon walk.

Doing this truly does open your eyes to what becomes the routine, I am going to pay attention to the small things more often, because the more I pay attention the happier it makes me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Miscellany Monday!

Another week has come and gone and once again it is time to link up with Carissa at lowercase letters

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

{one}I have been getting a lot of the below attitude from my 23 month old lately. Now I knew I would be dealing with it and about 12 more years but not now. I mean could she roll those eyes at me any more, I don't think so. We were playing dress up if you can't tell.

{two} We had such a nice family weekend! We stuck around the house most of the day Saturday except for going to the park to let Madison run out some of her never ending energy.

{three} So yeah, I'm not that misc. this week, It's all about my weekend spending time with my little family. On Sunday, we went to the NC museum of natural sciences downtown Madison loves it and it is free. They have a butterfly house that you can go in, with hundreds of butterflies flying all around and a sloth (that is always sleeping).

{four} Worm update: After a major home upgrade, a child constantly wanting to  shake them in their new home and kiss the "cutey" ear worms, they have been released to the wild. (Thank God)

That's all for today, since miss priss is refusing a nap. Talk to you lovely ladies tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wee bit of Me Wednesdays

{one} what website do you spend the most time on?
blogger and etsy! I could spend an eternity looking at all things fabulous on Etsy!

{two} what's the furthest you've ever travelled?
Las Vegas, about five years ago. My uncle, aunt, and cousin had relocated their {he worked on Nellis Air Force Base} I spent a fabulous week their, but came home with serious sun poisoning on my chest, NOT FUN!

{three} what's your guilty pleasure TV show?
All of the Real Housewives shows on Bravo..........I even have my husband watching them {and enjoying it} Shhhhhh don't tell!

{four} if you had to give up one favorite food, what would be the hardest?
Feta Cheese, Love it!

{five} if you could become any fictional character, who would you be?
Hmmmm, this is a toughie.... Princess Tiana {Princess and the Frog} at the end of the movie, owning a fab restaurant, and in love! Lame I know.

{six} what's your favorite season of the year?
It used to be summer, but now I love the beauty of the the changing of colors in the fall. When I think about fall, the first things that come to my mind are coffee, pumpkin pie, and just a sense of peace.

{seven} what's your biggest phobia?
Drowning, I use to have the same dream that I was drowning in the middle of the ocean and that fear has just stuck with me.
{eight} would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?
Pool for sure!

{nine} what did you eat for breakfast today?
Cup of coffee with skinny latte creamer {alot}  and a Cinnamon raisin English muffin with that new buttery spread from Bob Green called best life. YUM!

{ten} if you could only listen to one song for the next month, which song would it be?
Ingrid Michaelson, everybody. I love anything she sings, her music is fabulous, simple, clean, relaxing, I will stop but I could go on and on!

3 New Pets- Ella, Nella, & Bella

So last night while I was shucking {love that word} nice freshly picked corn to go along with our not so nice dinner of hot dogs, we added three new members to our little family. Meet Ella, Nella and Bella...

Aren't they beautiful, that is what my daughter thinks! She says they are so "cutey" {her newest word}  Growing up around my families farm, they were called earworms or corn earworms, but I am not sure what their real name is, guess I should google them and find out more. I will be sure to update you on any exciting earworm information!
 I do know this, they are one of the most hated insects among corn farmers.

Tigger is very jealous can't you tell! She followed me onto the patio while I took pictures of them and she has knocked the jar off of a table already, luckily they survived! ;)
I promise I have a more exciting post for tomorrow!

*the worms will be getting a new bigger better home today!
**update I started typing this post at 9am yesterday morning and I am just finishing it up, Sad!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Once again it's time for Miscellany Monday, always my favorite post of the week, because well..... I'm a pretty random gal! Link up with Carissa too!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. I had one amazing weekend with my husband. Madison stayed with my mom and step dad and rode on the boat at the lake all day. The girl loves riding on the boat, but she always falls asleep, haha.
2. Eric and I were planning on going to a downtown festival but when I got out of the shower he asked if I wanted to go to Wilmington {the beach} so of course I said okay. We went and toured the North Carolina battleship, it was amazing in so many ways. We stayed their for almost 3 hours. I learned so much and have even more respect for all of our service men and women. I recommend going if you  are ever able, I would not bring any children under 4 because there is so much steep climbing and so many tight and dangerous spaces.
                                            {like a kid in a candy store}

After that we rode around downtown and then went on the search for a seafood restaurant but after riding and riding we ended up eating at On the Border, we can always eat Mexican! yummy!
3. We ended up finding an inexpensive hotel and staying the night after picking up the best coffee we have ever had. It was so relaxing and we slept until 8:30!
4. I have got to organize things around my house. I keep halfway organizing stuff, but in the end I throw junk mail and other randoms in drawers and after about a month of chucking I cant find anything. I really need to setup a good system for mail and papers!
5. Potty training started today for reals!! Madi keeps sleeping through naps and even through the night without wetting her diaper, so it is time. This morning she woke up with a dry diaper and after 15 minutes of sitting on the potty reading books, singing, and playing with rocks from a candle scape in the bathroom she went and almost overflowed her little potty. Well 5 minutes later she comes running out of my room peeing the whole way across the house trying to make it to her potty. I would have never guessed she would have to go more!  So I happily cleaned up a trail of pee! I am so proud of my little Madi bean!
Have a great Monday Everyone!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Love this!

My New Favorite Quote and summer snack, especially when they were grown and picked with love by your mom and stepdad.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A little bit of life.

Two posts in two days, get out of town!
We all have those days where we feel sorry for ourselves and think about nothing but what we DO NOT have and whine over why life isn't fair.
Well, I know I do anyways!
I had one of those days last Friday, and Saturday if you want me to be honest. This happened and That and some more of That happened and I was just in a bad mood and feeling like life sucked quite frankly. But then when I got on the computer late Saturday and uploaded some pictures that I took recently of my little family I realized that these little moments that seemed so insignificant at the time, just like every other day doing what at times seems so mundane it really hit me and put it all in perspective.
 I really need to soak up the time I spend drawing  octopuses with sidewalk chalk with my healthy, smart, and sweet daughter and my beautiful twelve year old cat too. I need to take in take in those walks that we take every day around our apartments, and the little treasures Madi is sure to find and give me. I need to appreciate that my husband is a wonderful loving father and a supportive husband to me , because there are lots of fathers that are nothing like him, especially twenty one year old fathers.
Not that I have not appreciated these things, its just that sometimes life gets in the way of how truly blessed I am. No scratch that, I Let life get in the way of how truly blessed I am.
I use to hear this dreadful negative phrase all of the time growing up, "life sucks and then you die."  I think that is the crappiest saying, because you are doing nothing but setting yourself up for an unhappy and most likely unsuccessful life. I want to be on this earth for a long time and so I am going to do my very, very best to live life to the fullest each and every day. I am going to work hard to be a positive, appreciative, giving, helpful, loving woman, and daughter of our wonderful God.
So with all that said here are a whole bunch of pictures from the past week.